Creating a healthcare system that provides quality healthcare for all requires an entirely new, multidisciplinary approach

Our consulting services are needs-based and designed to provide total solutions that are specific to each partnership, customer, programme or project. We work with both large & medium open and closed medical schemes to assist in providing greater access to affordable medical cover for all their members. We also assist the schemes with processes such as insourcing services and advisory on efficiency for managed care protocols and disease management systems.

In the private sector, we consult with medical aids on issues such as improved and more affordable access to medical aid cover as well as on the role that medical aid schemes will play as South Africa transitions to a national health insurance (NHI) scheme.

We also help private companies to navigate the process of submitting tenders, a service which is designed to streamline the healthcare supply chain.

Our aim in our consulting work is to build capacity in the public sector and to improve access to private healthcare services, if and as needed.